Next-Level Learning: Our Learning Experience Platform

Dashboard for managing learner management and business intelligence. Tags such as ESG, Electro Mobility, Prototype, Production, Partners and Upselling are listed at the top left. Below these are target groups such as IT, Marketing and Finance, each with options for content and settings. At the top right, the BI dashboard shows statistics: 34,782 active users, 47,246 courses started, 22,097 courses completed, 272.3k modules started and 245.9k modules completed. Charts show impressions & views and the number of logins per day. Interactive, on-demand learning content such as videos, articles and podcasts are listed at the bottom. Certifications and audits are listed at the bottom right: Pentest - conducted by independent auditors from the Big Four, ISO 9001 - quality management, ISO 27001 - information security management, TISAX - information security for the automotive industry, BSI - cyber security audit, AZAV - TÜV Nord.
Clear navigation and easy orientation make every learning unit a positive experience for your employees.
Engaging, didactically proven learning formats and additional media library content such as articles, podcasts and live sessions motivate your workforce to continue learning.
With daily, GDPR-compliant tracking of KPIs, you have all relevant data at a glance and can adjust your learning initiative.

Functional and clear

We offer you exactly the functions that are necessary for the success of your training initiative. Nothing more and nothing less.

Our promise: The right content at the right time with the right learners – whether it's for the IT department in the US or the marketing team for EMEA.
With our BI dashboard, you can track your company's learning progress in real time.
All services are ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and TISAX certified. The AZAV certification from TÜV Nord proves the quality and efficiency of our further training measures.
List of certifications and audits: Pentest - carried out by independent auditors from the Big Four, ISO 9001 - quality management, ISO 27001 - information security management, TISAX - information security for the automotive industry, BSI - cyber security audit, AZAV - TÜV Nord. In the background you can see a person working on a server.
We use cutting-edge technology to seamlessly integrate your organization's existing learning content with our powerful LXP.
We ensure integration into your existing technical environment and support you with technical support.
With our learning experience platform, you can learn anywhere, at any time, with any device.
You don't have to worry about anything else. Our full-service offering will make your learning initiative a success. Fast and uncomplicated.
Learner management
Our promise: The right content at the right time with the right learners – whether it's for the IT department in the US or the marketing team for EMEA.
BI dashboard
With our BI dashboard, you can track your company's learning progress in real time.
Data protection & tested quality
All services are ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and TISAX certified. The AZAV certification from TÜV Nord proves the quality and efficiency of our further training measures.
List of certifications and audits: Pentest - carried out by independent auditors from the Big Four, ISO 9001 - quality management, ISO 27001 - information security management, TISAX - information security for the automotive industry, BSI - cyber security audit, AZAV - TÜV Nord. In the background you can see a person working on a server.
LXP integration
We use cutting-edge technology to seamlessly integrate your organization's existing learning content with our powerful LXP.
Data import and export
We ensure integration into your existing technical environment and support you with technical support.
Multi device
With our learning experience platform, you can learn anywhere, at any time, with any device.
Full service
You don't have to worry about anything else. Our full-service offering will make your learning initiative a success. Fast and uncomplicated.
Eine Gruppe von vier Personen steht in einem Büro und unterhält sich. Zwei von ihnen halten Laptops, eine Person hält einen Notizblock. Alle wirken fröhlich und engagiert.
Create added value
Become a partner
Education-as-a-Service complements your business ecosystem with our adaptive WhitelabelXU- solution in your corporate design. Secure scalable sales increase with manageable, initial effort.
Eine Frau mit lockigem Haar sitzt an einem Tisch und arbeitet an einem Laptop. Sie lächelt und hat eine Hand am Kinn. Im Hintergrund sitzt ein Mann, ebenfalls an einem Laptop arbeitend.
Secure the future
Start your transformation
With our established learning experience platform (LXP), you ensure your company the ability to act and innovate for a strong market position. Our expertly designed masterclasses and courses offer the latest transformational knowledge for all levels and departments.

Successes of our partners

Blonde Frau in dunklem Business-Anzug steht vor einer weissen Wand und lächelt in die Kamera, die Arme verschränkt.
Daniela Prinz​
Global Head of Learning & Competency Development, ZF Friedrichshafen
„It is a great pleasure to have such a strong partner at our side in XU sustainable, who not only provides a technological solution, but has also implemented a program with know-how, network and a competent team that is already cheaper and more efficient than classic change management. In a very short time, we have established a new learning culture that greatly enriches our company and moves it forward.“
Glen Mandziuk,
Glenn Mandziuk​
CEO​, World Academy for Sustainable Hospitality
„Our members have repeatedly asked us how we support them in implementing sustainability on a truly large scale (globally), effectively (effectively) and cost-effectively (efficiently). With the World Academy for Sustainable Hospitality, we have achieved just that.“
Frank Bohmann,
Frank Bohmann
Managing Director, Handball Bundesliga GmbH
„The HBL School of Sustainable Sports, which we implement together with XU sustainable, has a great deal of acceptance among our clubs and us. The scalability and thus also the effectiveness of the learning platform is particularly positive.“

Sounds interesting? We will be happy to talk to you

Play it safe with us!

ISO 9001
Our ISO 9001 certification guarantees that our learning platform and tailored learning content are of the highest quality. We rely on continuous improvement and strict quality controls to always exceed the expectations of our customers and partners.
TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange)
Tisax is a uniform standard for information security defined in the European automotive industry. With this certification, we underline our expertise in the mobility and automotive industry.
BSI Cyber-Security-Check
Our learning experience platform has been tested against attacks in accordance with the BSI guidelines for cyber security and has been found to be secure with the IT Security Label. We do everything we can to ensure the maximum security of our services.
The AZAV certification supports our quality standards. This means that our didactics, our selection of excellent experts and the relevance of our learning content are certified by TÜV Nord according to the specifications of the Federal Employment Agency!

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