Our favorite word is transformation

A livable future for all and success for your business – that’s what drives us. By combining digital learning formats, future-relevant content, and a scalable, monetizable business model, we aim to create economic potential.

Our Mission
Just as the use of computers is commonplace today, sustainability and working with AI will also become second nature. With Education-as-a-Service (EaaS), we enable companies to equip their workforce with the essential transformational knowledge needed for these future skills.
Nahaufnahme eines weißen, industriellen Roboters, der mit verschiedenen mechanischen Komponenten und Kabeln ausgestattet ist. Im Hintergrund ist ein weiteres Roboterteil zu sehen. Ein gelber Notizblock und ein Stift liegen auf dem Tisch neben dem Roboter.
Our Vision
We believe in the transformation towards a more sustainable future and in the opportunities that new technologies present for achieving it.
Eine Frau mit blonder, welliger Frisur trägt eine orangefarbene Mütze und arbeitet konzentriert an einem Laptop. In ihrer rechten Hand hält sie eine Tasse Kaffee. Sie sitzt an einem Holztisch, im Hintergrund sind ein Sofa und Pflanzen zu sehen.
With People
XU sustainable focuses precisely where the future is being created and advanced: with people and their potential. For the economy, employees with future skills are a key success factor for transformation.
A person is working on a laptop on which a website is displayed. The website presents a dashboard with information on sustainability, learning progress and a calendar. There is a notebook and two pens on the table next to the laptop.
Our Topics
We are convinced that with these topics, we can create a better future for all: AI, automotive transformation and electromobility, as well as ESG/sustainability for various industries.
Skilled professionals, innovation power, competitive advantage, transformation
Further education & qualification, current market knowledge, individualized learning, learning experience platform
Future skills, motivation, co-creation & participation, flexibility

The XU sustainable founding team

Nicole Gaiziunas and Dr. Christopher Jahns had a common vision. They made it a reality in 2016 with the founding of XU Group GmbH and the development of the learning experience platform. One goal remains firmly in the focus of the founders: How can we succeed in qualifying the employees of today in the expertise of tomorrow?

Co-CEO & Founder
Nicole Gaiziunas

“My childhood heroes are James T. Kirk, captain of the starship Enterprise, and his first officer, Mr. Spock. Even then, I was fascinated by the unknown and the new, which I absolutely wanted to explore and understand. Of course, I wanted to be the captain of a spaceship that would take a brave crew where no man had gone before. Today, as the founder and captain of XU sustainable, I’m concerned with our future – more precisely, how (continued) education will make it possible that nor only a fe, but all can participate in it.”

CEO & Founder
Dr. Christopher Jahns

“For a child full of thirst for knowledge and longing for the wide world, a career as a pirate is the way to go. But since there were too few suitable trainee positions, I decided to give up on a career. I have retained my natural enthusiasm for new things. As founder and CEO of XU sustainable, I can combine my fascination for business, education, digitalization, e-mobility and sustainability with what really drives me: people. Above all, however, how we manage to get today’s employees and junior staff qualified in these three future areas of expertise.”

Our Management Team

Dr. Justus Broß
Chief Content Officer
Tamari Bulia
Director Production L&D
Moritz Häberle
Chief Business Developement & Scale Officer
Iris Horky
Head of Marketing
Paul Lunow
Head of Technology & Innovation
Torsten Pult
Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Nina Schaffert
Director Account Management
Alina Schubert
Head of Human Resources
Michael Seidl
Head of Business Technology &  Information Security
Stefan Zsegora
Chief Operating Officer
Patricia Hartmann
Head of Sustainability