Mastering CSRD: We train your employees to make your reporting a breeze

Is your company ready for CSRD? Do you have a CSR manager, know where the data comes from, understand the regulations for consistent reporting, and have established the necessary processes? No? Use our scalable online training program to prepare your employees accordingly.

Our learning content is based on the academic principles of the IU (International University of Applied Sciences)

CSRD - The Sustainability Reporting Obligation is here

CSRD significantly expands the requirements for sustainability reporting. In Germany alone, the number of companies falling under the reporting obligation increases from around 500 to about 15,000 with the new CSRD. And time is running out; responsibilities, processes, and data collection must be in place by the beginning of the year to meet reporting requirements.

Does CSRD apply to your company?

CSRD significantly extends the requirements for reporting on non-financial information.

  • Capital market-oriented large companies
  • Large companies with
    >250 employees
    >€50 million annual revenue
    €25 million balance sheet total
  • SMEs (from 2026)

Treat ESG reporting like your financial reporting

While the first report for 2024 doesn‘t need to be published until 2025, mandatory reporting begins in January 2024. Companies that want to avoid risks with their annual reports should start preparing for sustainability reporting now.

Starting to keep meticulous records in January 2024 will require minimal additional effort compared to ESG reporting at year-end. However, qualified employees are necessary.

Why? Inadequate sustainability reporting or its absence can affect the audit, potentially leading to the refusal of the annual report.

Consultant, Sustainable Strategies
Dr. Uwe Wilke

“The new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is a game changer for all companies. For the first time, there is an EU-wide standard for sustainability reporting. Even though the CSRD isn’t immediately in effect, you can already harness sustainability as a driver for innovation and increased competitiveness today. How? Simply kickstart the preparations for CSRD in your company. Our experts will guide you step by step on how to enter the new reporting world and make sustainability a key factor for business success.”

Turn Your Employees into CSRD Experts

With our learning materials, the jumble of terms like NFRD, CSRD, and ESRS becomes clear instructions.

Your employees will learn:

  • CSRD Disclosures: What information must your company disclose according to CSRD?
  • Understanding Double Materiality: What does double materiality mean?
  • New ESRS Reporting Standards: Detailed overview and tips on the new sustainability reporting standards.
  • Successful Report: What does a CSRD-compliant reporting process entail?

Equip your employees with must-have skills to enable your company to meet the minimum sustainability requirements and advance your sustainability transformation to the next level. Learn more about our courses, masterclasses, and certification programs in reporting.

XU sustainable - Knowledge for growth
More than 120 companies have already built their qualifications as sustainability experts with XU sustainable

Choose the topics relevant to your business

Together with our international network of experts, we offer more than 200 hours of learning content and 350 hours of accompanying learning material on our learning experience platform (LXP). Our topic: Sustainability including its drivers digitalization and mobility of the future.

Choose the topics relevant to your company and make them available to your employees in your corporate design. We’re happy to create content specifically for your company and support you in learner engagement and success measurement.

Excerpt of topics:

Supply chains

Sustainable supply chains

Supply chain

Implementation in corporate divisions

Recommendations for negative impacts on your value chain


Introduction to sustainable finance

Sustainable financial standards and ESG regulation

ESG strategies for financial products

ESG criteria and roadmap

Social sustainability

Acting with social responsibility

Social impact on employees along the value chain

Social responsibility in society and communities

Social life cycle assessment (S-LCA)

Basic knowledge

The three dimensions of sustainability

Basics of ecological, social and economic sustainability

Terms, concepts and theories


EU Green Deal

EU Action Plan

Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD)

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)


Opportunities and risks of digitalization

Customer & user centricity

Software and software engineering


Platform economy

Leadership & culture

Mobility of the future

Electric cars

xEV technology

Charging infrastructure

Case trends

Certified learning content at the practical and university level

All learners can choose courses, masterclasses, certification programs and a nano degree according to their time and interests. After answering classifying questions, we will recommend a tailor-made qualification from 200 hours of course content.

290 courses

30 to 240 minutes

10 masterclasses

7 to 9 hours

4 certification programs

approx. 19 hours over 5 to 6 months

1 nano degree

approx. 150 hours over max. 12 months

will be accepted as part of a subsequent master’s degree program at IU to an extent of 5 ECTS credits

Our learning content is based on the academic principles of the IU International University of Applied Sciences

We're always happy to answer your questions

Let’s discuss how you can enhance your image, secure your competitiveness, increase your sales and expand your service portfolio through employee qualification in the field of sustainability.

Further Education Your Employees Will Look Forward To

Our learning experience platform opens the door to the future. With innovative methodology, appealing design, and interactive learning, we create sustainable awareness and factual knowledge among your employees.

Your employees receive understandable, academically rigorous knowledge that enables them to plan and implement ESG-compliant sustainability reporting.

Plug and Learn
Choose what you need from our range of services in sustainability expertise

Get your employees qualified with our 360-degree portfolio in relevant sustainability skills. Choose learning content, topics, scope, certifications, or services based on your needs

Successful Reporting
What Your Company Needs to Know About the New CSRD

In the past, companies had the freedom to report on sustainability as they saw fit. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) now introduces mandatory reporting in the management report for EU companies and brings significant changes to sustainability reporting.

NFRD, CSRD, ESRS – What's What?

NFRD is Replaced by CSRD

The Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) is the predecessor to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Due to some deficiencies, it has been replaced and strengthened by the CSRD.

CSRD significantly expands the existing rules for non-financial reporting. So, CSRD deals with the “why”, “who”, and “when”.

ESRS - The New Reporting Standards

The European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS) regulates how companies must create their reports. It defines the “how” and “what” of reporting.

What‘s new? ESRS now includes clearly defined procedures, calculations, and layouts for reporting. One of the foundations is the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG).

CSRD – What‘s New

The CSRD extends the new reporting obligation to all large companies. “Large” companies are those that meet at least two of the following criteria on the balance sheet date:

  • Balance sheet total: at least €20 million
  • Net revenue: at least €40 million
  • Number of employees: at least 250
  • Plus, all listed companies, excluding micro-enterprises.

Micro-enterprises are defined as companies that meet at least two of the following criteria on the balance sheet date:

  • Balance sheet total: maximum €350,000
  • Net revenue: maximum €700,000
  • Average number of employees during the financial year: maximum 10

Additionally, companies under CSRD are now required for the first time to have their sustainability reporting externally reviewed with limited assurance. Requirements for audit assurance may become more stringent in the future.

Heightened Requirements
Companies Must Now Include Scope 3 Emissions

With the new CSRD, companies must consider not only their own activities but also their entire supply chain, including data for Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.

Companies with up to 750 employees can omit this disclosure in the first reporting year.

Capturing Scope 3 emissions is a significant challenge for most companies. Tracking greenhouse gas emissions from external sources such as purchased goods and services, waste disposal, travel, and other Scope 3 categories requires time and expertise.

Therefore, it is essential for companies to start addressing their sustainability reports now and prepare their employees.

In-Depth Reporting with “Double Materiality”

The new European standards for sustainability reporting introduced by CSRD require companies to assess and report based on the principle of “double materiality.”

But what is “double materiality,” and how should it be approached?

The materiality analysis is an ongoing process. Its goal is to identify and evaluate various sustainability issues for a company. It serves as the basis for sustainability reporting and is used to determine which ESG issues have the most impact or are of the greatest financial significance.

Under the principle of double materiality, companies must now report on sustainability issues that affect their business (“outside-in”) as well as how their activities affect society and the environment (“inside-out”).

Still sounds complicated? Don’t worry. We will guide your employees step by step through the materiality analysis and ensure that it becomes child’s play.

CSRD Requires an Audit of Your Sustainability Report

CSRD requires the inclusion of the sustainability report in your company’s management report. Additionally, with the introduction of CSRD, the content of the sustainability report must be reviewed. Initially, the content review is designed as a “limited assurance” review.
The external auditor assesses whether:

  • Your sustainability report complies with CSRD requirements and ESRS.
  • The requirements for labeling sustainability information are met.
  • The reporting requirements according to Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation are fulfilled.

Turn your workforce into CSRD experts now. We will guide your employees through the most important CSRD topics, teach them how to comply with ESRS standards, and provide valuable insights from practical experience.