More Impact with Online Training: Our Services Bring Sustainability to Your Transformation

Imagine: Your learning initiative inspires and empowers your employees, the competition and the press register your good quarterly figures and innovations, you feel optimally positioned for the future with a solid transformation concept?

Together we make this vision a reality, with effective engagement measures along defined KPIs, tested quality, tailor-made content and optional services.

Get this impact!

Best case ZF: 73% module completion rate instead of the planned 50%!
Learning formats
With short, self-timed learning units, 80% of what you have learned can be accessed after 60 days. (The Digital Learning Trends 2023 Report)
Live sessions
Over 50% of all learners take part in live sessions.

Full service for your learning initiative!

Your tailor-made offer consists of a needs-based masterclass for each target group, including media library content and optional services.
Once the thematic needs for each target group have been defined, the licenses for each masterclass have been determined and the optimal optional services have been selected, we can get started. Now!
We accompany your learners in virtual live sessions with curated experts on company- and industry-specific content.
We develop and produce company and industry-specific content for your company in cooperation with selected experts from science and business.
With our engagement strategies, we generate more motivation and learning success among your employees - along defined and measurable KPIs.
In addition to confirmation of participation for all courses and masterclasses, we also award certificates and a nano degree based on the academic principles of the IU International University.
Isn't everything going as it should? Do your learners need help or orientation on the learning experience platform? We support you by phone and email from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday – Friday!
Individual packages
Your tailor-made offer consists of a needs-based masterclass for each target group, including media library content and optional services.
Instant learning
Once the thematic needs for each target group have been defined, the licenses for each masterclass have been determined and the optimal optional services have been selected, we can get started. Now!
Virtual live sessions
We accompany your learners in virtual live sessions with curated experts on company- and industry-specific content.
Individually developed content
We develop and produce company and industry-specific content for your company in cooperation with selected experts from science and business.
Guaranteed commitment
With our engagement strategies, we generate more motivation and learning success among your employees - along defined and measurable KPIs.
In addition to confirmation of participation for all courses and masterclasses, we also award certificates and a nano degree based on the academic principles of the IU International University.
Customer support
Isn't everything going as it should? Do your learners need help or orientation on the learning experience platform? We support you by phone and email from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday – Friday!

Sounds interesting? We would be happy to talk to you!

Would you like to learn more about us first?

Everything else you need to know

Why is engagement so important?

This is reality: On average, only 4% of all employees in Germany participate in continuing education measures*. Is that a success? With engagement strategies and communication measures, defined KPIs are achieved and ROE (return-on-education) is secured by:

  • Creating an understanding of the need for further training for each individual in the company.
  • Identifying opportunities that arise through further training and minimizing fears that can be caused by changes.
  • Establishing a learning culture and creating a sense of community.


*Kerst, Christian; Weilage, Insa; Gehrke, Birgit (2022): Bildung und Qualifikation als Grundlage der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands 2022, Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem.

What engagement measures are there and how does the process work?
  1. Together with your company, we develop the guiding principle/concept of the communication campaign.
  2. Then we set goals and KPIs, conduct target group workshops, identify suitable communication channels, create an editorial plan, etc. (depending on the size of the engagement package).
  3. We accompany the launch with communication measures such as quickstarter booklets, mailings, intranet posts, flyers, teaser videos, pop-ups, gamification campaigns, platform tutorial videos, launch events and much more
What do we mean by live sessions?

Live sessions are inspiring and interactive keynote speeches with experts on current topics and best practice cases in the learning sector. They take place virtually via Microsoft Teams and have the format of a webinar.

Why do we do live sessions?

Live sessions promote the learning process, consolidate what has been learned and respond to learners’ questions on the topic. Depending on the format of the live session, company- and industry-specific content will be addressed in order to further deepen the learning content of self-study on the learning experience platform (LXP).

What live session formats are there and how do they work?

In all qualification programs, we offer an onboarding session for introduction, live sessions to deepen the learning content and a final session for knowledge transfer. However, there is also the possibility to deepen our qualification programs with longer workshop sessions.

How can the learning content be adapted to your company?
  • In order to offer learners the best possible learning experience, we also develop and produce company- and industry-specific content on request.
  • With our large network of experts, we create tailor-made learning content for the desired target groups.
  • Either existing learning content is adapted to your company, or we develop completely new content.
  • There is also the option of integrating experts from your own company into videos or podcasts.